Wednesday 18 January 2012


So, having thoroughly scoured the internet for design inspiration and having had some excellent luck in stumbling across some great products, suppliers and DIY tutorials, I am now officially ready to unveil my nursery moodboard.
Drumroll please. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…..

Ta da! I’ve finally decided to go with a woodland theme. Think Alice in Wonderland meets the Gruffalo. I really want to create a space which inspires my daughter’s imagination; so when she’s older and playing with her toys, the room becomes part of the adventure. I want it to last for her childhood, so don’t really want to make it too babyish, so am keen to incorporate some aspects which she won’t necessarily appreciate just yet.
I love these paper pom poms which I’m very keen to make. The wall tranfers have already arrived and I’m about to press the order button on the art print. Keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming completed room post! :D
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