Sunday 11 September 2011

Inspiring Designs: Brooke Giannetti

On a recent evening, whilst I was researching a particular Hotel Bedroom scheme i'm in the process of disecting, I came across a wonderful blog, Velvet and Linen, an Interior and Architecture blog by LA designer Brooke Giannetti. As I scrolled through some of her links, I came across One Kings Lane Tastemaker Sale, and happily mentally spent my next two years earnings on  some of the amazing pieces on offer.

The Blueberry River Drop Front Desk is on sale at $1,799 and unfortunately, a fair bit out opf my price range, and the Oil Painting was marked at $749 but is sold out - but I think a price which isn't too bad for an original piece of artwork. A real investment. Though I'm not able to hop across the Atlantic and melt a credit card to purchase these beautiful pieces, I am tempted to modify my own bureau more vibrantly and maybe home make things of a similar ilk...

Additonally, Brooke showed these AWESOME table lamps below, which I desperately want. I'm a huge fan of the Jeeves and Wooster lampshades and these are just as quirky. Though I am fairly certain they will not be available on our highstreet anytime soon, I'm going to try and make my own version of these at some point for certain!

If you've not come across Brooke before, I strongly recommend chacking out her website and some of her designs - I especially like some of her bedroom designs and she really lets rooms talk to one another throughout her schemes. I'm feeling particuarly inspired by her at the moment :D

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